Thursday, September 15, 2011

Aper itu BRONCHIOLITIS? ~ semput kot kannn....

Aper tu BRONCHIOLITIS?? Haa.. kene la bace kat bawah ni.
Aku cedok dari Babycentre Malaysia khas utk semua.
Tapi dlm English la, sbb aku x dan nk translate..


Bronchiolitis occurs when the smallest airways of the lungs get infected, becoming swollen and filled with mucus.
This blocks the flow of air, making it harder for a baby to breathe.
In countries with temperate climate, bronchiolitis commonly occurs in autumn and winter.
In warm countries such as Malaysia, it tends to occur during the rainy season.

One of the common causes of bronchiolitis is respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
RSV can also lead to colds, ear infections, croup, and pneumonia.
Bronchiolitis is usually slightly worse than a heavy cold.
The first symptoms will probably be similar to a common cold:
  • runny or stuffy nose;
  • dry cough;
  • mild fever of between 37.5 degrees C and 38 degrees C;
  • loss of appetite.
After two or three days your baby's symptoms will peak and may worsen:
  • his cough may become more persistent;
  • his breathing may become faster, sounding shallow and laboured;
  • his heartbeat may be much faster than normal;
  • he may have trouble feeding, and refuse feeds.
**Info dipetik dari Babycentre Malaysia**

Actually Qais (ank no-4 ye) dah kene 3-4 hari yg lepas tp x terus.. ala2 je..
Tapi mlm td lps amik dia dr taska, nmpk dia batuk len macaaammm jek..
Wheezing lagi tu.. dada pun turun naik, turun naik mcm baru lps sprint 100 meter..
Terus lps dinner mlm td, kitaorg bwk dia g klinik..
Doc terus kasi dia NEBULIZER.

The best part is dia mcm btol2 get ready for treatment.
Hepi je jumpe doctor.. fes time dia centuh.
Selalu kene pegang kuat2 sbb dia akan melalak & meronta2.
Mgkn skrg dia rs dia dh besar kot.

Tgk la gamba2 dia nih...

Piiiimmmmmm! ~ peace version Qais

Tengok la dia tuh, pandai plak bwk diri.. sng keje mama..

Kene umpan dgn Lollipop.. sbb tuh la dia okeyyyy.. ngeee

X pasal2 farysh pun dpt lollypop! hehehe...

Hope balik nih dia dah okey.. caiyookk!

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